We have been at war with Iran since the moment those people were taken 44 years ago, only we are too damn stupid and cowardly to acknowledge that fact. If we had taken the actions necessary then, that the previous generation took with the Japanese in 1941 we would have avoided the tens of thousands of deaths the world has incurred since then including the current atrocities in Israel. And taking down the theocratic monsters in Iran would have been far simpler and quicker than wising up the Japanese, with far less bloodshed. We truly live in moronic times.
Thanks for this review. For a long time, I have scornfully labeled NPR as "National Palestinian Radio." I guess now I can also refer to PBS as the "Palestinian Broadcasting Service." Also, thanks for distinguishing between a "hostage" and a "prisoner of war."
I can’t stand NPR and PBS daily news bias against Israel and the West. The programs tend to be better, this one included. It’s my goal to enlighten the reader, of course, so thanks for notiicing and recognizing my distinction in terms, Jim. To my knowledge, no one else has made this point.
We have been at war with Iran since the moment those people were taken 44 years ago, only we are too damn stupid and cowardly to acknowledge that fact. If we had taken the actions necessary then, that the previous generation took with the Japanese in 1941 we would have avoided the tens of thousands of deaths the world has incurred since then including the current atrocities in Israel. And taking down the theocratic monsters in Iran would have been far simpler and quicker than wising up the Japanese, with far less bloodshed. We truly live in moronic times.
It’s true, Russell. There will be hell to pay. Thanks for restacking the article.
Thanks for this review. For a long time, I have scornfully labeled NPR as "National Palestinian Radio." I guess now I can also refer to PBS as the "Palestinian Broadcasting Service." Also, thanks for distinguishing between a "hostage" and a "prisoner of war."
I can’t stand NPR and PBS daily news bias against Israel and the West. The programs tend to be better, this one included. It’s my goal to enlighten the reader, of course, so thanks for notiicing and recognizing my distinction in terms, Jim. To my knowledge, no one else has made this point.