
Hi Scott,

You write with such power yet with tenderness, unafraid to hide the love in your soul. What a beautiful piece about your dad and your relationship with him.

All relationships are complicated and none more that the patent and child. I lost my mother in 2023; she was 91: a contemporary of your dad in many ways. She, however, lived a quiet life, was religious but not too much, and she even found Atlas Shrugged to be an interesting read when I gave her a hardback version of it.

She and I would talk almost every week, usually on Sunday. I miss those talks, and I always will.

I’m sorry for your loss, but that’s OK. It means you loved and are human. And that’s good.

Very best,


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Mark, I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for your condolences and kind words. I talked with my parents every week for years, usually on Sundays like you.

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