Autonomia Podcast
Podcast: Announcements

Podcast: Announcements

Articles on Walt Disney in Chicago, Warner Bros. in Pittsburgh, Simon & Schuster and a new podcast of Scott Holleran’s short fiction for the paid subscriber

Let me announce and plug my new podcast: Short Stories by Scott Holleran.

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Related Links and Articles

“Warner Bros. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania” by Scott Holleran for NEXTPittsburgh

“Walt Disney in Chicago” by Scott Holleran for Classic Chicago

“Remember the Alamo,” by Scott Holleran, Scott Holleran’s Blog (16 December 2020)

Short Stories by Scott Holleran
Introducing my short stories podcast
Welcome to Short Stories by Scott Holleran. I’ll be posting podcast episodes of short stories here in this new media, which I’ll promote on so-called social media and Autonomia, another publication and podcast I created three years ago. You can listen to new stories, which I aim to deliver every couple of months or six to eight weeks. Review subscription…
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Autonomia Podcast
Thoughts about voyages, the world and works of art.