Read the newest travelogue, classic movie reviews and a fresh perspective on a small 1980 film. Next month’s Autonomia includes Fred Astaire and Cary Grant movies as well as an article about a visit to an eerie city on America’s border with Mexico. The proudest new piece involves an obscure movie about suicide and sports. Several other articles, including an in-depth analysis for the paid subscriber of the Objectivist summer conference in Washington, D.C., are works in progress.
July articles included a review of Locke starring Tom Hardy, a ski-themed Thursday with Robert Redford and a news report about a Nazi who, as recently disclosed though barely reported, admitted to his war crimes. Autonomia is among the few press outlets to report this historic news. For access to every article in Autonomia, choose among three subscription types: Monthly ($7); Founding ($500 or more) and Annual ($79).
I’m reviewing, planning or considering adding books, movie stars, podcasting (for paid subscribers) and writing by other authors and writers. Do you gain from Autonomia? May these stories help you think, read and live free.
—Scott Holleran, Editor & Founder, Autonomia